The narrative for quite some time has been all about the economics of Brexit.
Labour have been beating the drum of worker's rights and securing jobs.
Which is often incompatible. As the latest 50p an hour payrise will show as it will cause BQIndustries to cut staff once again as it is not possible to increase pay, whilst sales continue to fall, and all other costs rise. Boots being just the latest mega chain to announce similar bad news for their workers.
The Tories have been all for ensuring business is as easy to conduct with the EU as it is now we haven't left. Frictionless trade and regulaturoy alignment being the main aims of the unloved Withdrawal Agreement.
The economic arguments for Remain, or soft as shhhhhheep Brexit, are all about avoiding the terrible damage to the UK that will occur unless we sign up to all the EU's agreements that we want to leave. Neither May, nor Hammond, will allow a No Deal.
Hammond in particular, refused to even pretend to prepare for a No Deal. Even as a subterfuge in negotiations. So sure was he that it would never come to pass as it would be stopped.
Despite all the endless and quite unbelievable project fear claims of doom if we ever left on WTO, it is quite obvious that SOME sort of deal, would be better than NO deal. No Deal means a complete reset of everything. Some deal would mean a reset of only some things.
Some deal is not to imply that May's Deal is a good option. It is only AN option.And a poorly constructed one at that. But it is an option instead of no deal at all.
Polticians seek ways to find of keeping us in the Union.
Customs Union.
Half in-half out union. Canada ++-+
With the media predicting that if they don't manage to do that, we will all persish in a tsunami of dinosaurs.
So bad has the fear of NO Deal become, May has decided to ask the assistance of the Communists in a historic Korbachev-Robbinstrop pact of treachery.
That has gone down with the supporters about as well as the original did.
In all this it does seem to have been forgotten why people voted in record numbers, and decided to leave the EU.
It wasn't because they were fed up with too much frictionless trade. Tired of not having to apply for a visa or arrange a driving permit for continental travel.
They were tired of uncontrolled, one way, immigration that was bringing in up to half a million foreign workers each year. The headline Net immigration, long masked by the large numbers of UK retirees to the sun.
Fed up that some hook-handed terrorist could sit in his free house with no legal way to remove him.
Fed up with having a considerable multi-billion pound 'bill' presented for no real reason.
They were fed up of having to send vast sums out of the country to the EU, that it sometimes used to tempt UK business to relocate out of the UK.
Fed up with having their hairdryers reduced in power or their tampons taxed.
And all the other many, many reasons that built up over forty years or compliance without joy, that was the UK experience of the EU.
None of these 'fed up' issues will be resolved by remaining in a customs union. Or remaining full stop. The entire Brexit farce, designed from the outset solely to lance the UKIP boil, and give a reasonable mandate for accepting all the EU faults, that is now focusing solely on accepting what is best for the largest businesses, will fail to resolve any of the issues that millions of people had.
The saddest part about the damage May has done, and continues to do, to the Tory party and the country, is whatever she cobbles together now, it won't resolve the very reason why the nation chose to vote leave in the firt place.
from Capitalists@Work http://www.cityunslicker.co.uk/2019/04/the-korbachev-robbinstrop-pact.html
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