Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Sadiq finds £7 million for war on London crime

Well, the London Mayor is on twitter today, reheating a £7 million pledge to tackle youth crime with support centres as if it is new money. Instead it was previously promised in April 2018.

This is over and above the claimed £110 million extra he was claiming for the Police Budget in his budget - most of which is projection and justification for tax increases on Londoners.

Of course, as the picture next to this shows, as an ex-Human Rights lawyer, Khan has some notable views on crime and criminals - the Tories went to far in saying he supported terrorists. Had they stopped at saying he hung around with some unsavoury types it would have been more accurate, if less impactful.

Whilst it is hard to find numbers, the major initiatives announced by the Mayor when it comes to policing have been to support with core services the national anti-islamophobia police unit and the increase in allocation of police units to tackle online abuse and hate crime.

In April we had 300 extra police drafted in by the Met to tackle the stabbing epidemic. Of course, the most interesting piece to that was the Met Police chief rather delicately saying we need to see 'societal change.' Clearly what he meant was we are seeing societal change as London's ethnic melting pot starts to rapidly reflect the communities from which it is drawn around the world more than its historic make-up (of Eastend gangsters...hmm?). Noticeable is the rise of ethnic gangs of different nationalities and colours - again, we have had this historically with Jews, Irish, Italians. Almost like it is a side-effect of massive waves of immigration?

The police are no doubt trying hard and we have seen some small efforts to try and reduce moped crime of late. However, they will do themselves no favour in proposing to one another at the Pride Event on Sunday instead of being the serious forces fighting crime, true of not, it reflects badly on them in the middle of a crime wave.

Khan all the meanwhile is flummoxed by all this. His inner lefty wants to promote lots of ideas and ideologies of the left which are about empowerment and engaging the communities. The people of London increasingly want crime sorted and criminals arrested not given holidays and pashmina's. All of that is difficult to square with a crackdown on crime - surely there is an opportunity for someone else at the next Mayoral election?

from Capitalists@Work http://www.cityunslicker.co.uk/2018/07/sadiq-finds-7-million-for-war-on-london.html

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